Monday, May 14, 2012


Character designs based off cephalopods that I plan on using for a small, side writing project. Each are based off a different animal and named after an item they have or wear.

- Parasol: Based off an octopus. Her name comes from the parasol she carries around. She's a dignified lady of higher society, who fell in love with a local fisherman. She's currently engaged to Brolly, who she's supposed to marry once he returns from his current fishing trip. 

- Brolly: Based off a squid. His name comes from another word for umbrella and goes with the umbrella he has. He's the strong, type, who comes from a long line of fishermen. He's a gentle giant though and cares deeply for Parasol, though his soon to be mother-in-law makes him feel guilty for her marrying down to him. The umbrella he carries was a gift from Parasol.

- Wellington: Based off a cuttlefish. His name comes from his rain boots, which are also called Wellington boots. He's a young orphan who lives in a small fishing town. He's a fisherman himself, though an amateur one. He becomes close friends with Parasol, who develops some maternal attachments to him.

- Mackintosh: Based off a nautilus. His name comes from his coat - a Mackintosh raincoat. Mackintosh, who is called Macki by his friends and family, is a childhood friend of Parasol. They were very close as children and he was determined to one day marry her until Brolly came into the picture. His family owns a plantation just outside the small fishing town.

In their story, Brolly leaves on his fishing trip, but on the return trip, has an accident that results in a case of amnesia. He docks at the small coastal town Wellington lives in and settles down there, forgetting his former life and engagement to Parasol. Growing concern of his absence leads Parasol to leave her comfy life in the country to find her fiance, despite her family's pleads and the hardships that might greet her. She winds up in the same town and meets Wellington, who teams up with her to find Brolly. The two eventually locate him and learn of his current situation.

Parasol, out of her love for Brolly, decides to stay in the small town and help him recover his memory, where she also learns to pull her own weight and adjust to the life she will have to live by being with him. However, besides these challenges, she also has to deal with the renewed affections of her childhood friend Mackintosh, who views Brolly's amnesia as a way to get Parasol back.

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