Saturday, May 17, 2014

Little Miss Conquest

Character designs I did up for the recent Nickelodeon Animated Short Pitch Submission. I actually only JUST found the response email and unfortunately I didn't get picked, buuuut whatever, I did try, hahah.

But yes, character designs. The first three were featured in the pitch, though I included the fourth design, because I really did like how it turned out. From top to bottom, we have:

Nina – A rambunctious, imaginative 9-year-old, Nina spends most of her time daydreaming about taking over the world. She actively tries to accomplish this, but finds her exploits constantly thwarted by her nemesis and babysitter, Ellen. Nina is a brown-haired, brown-eyed girl, usually dressed in a red sweater and a black shirt. She also normally wears a rather puffy, green raincoat and bright red rain boots. She frequently tries to be intimidating, but due to her short stature, finds her efforts wasted.

Archibald Aardvark – Nina's plush aardvark. In Nina's mind, he is her ever-loyal sidekick and butler, who's always willing to lend a claw in her quest for world domination. Archibald is a large, plush aardvark, dressed in a collar and bow tie and wears a monocle. He rarely leaves Nina's side and speaks in an elegant British accent (at least in Nina's mind).

Ellen – Nina's babysitter. Even though Nina's antics are generally small-scale, this full-time college student has to deal with them constantly and finds them quite tiring after a while. Ellen is a dark-skinned young woman with dark brown hair, usually worn up in a pony tail. She dresses in a white, button-up shirt, purple sweater vest, and blue jeans. Despite her calm, academic appearance, she is quite athletic, which is helpful in keeping up with Nina and her various schemes.

The young boy included at the bottom is Simon, who was either going to be Nina's friend or cousin, who would visit regularly and assist her in her schemes. He would create random little gadgets and devices for her to use.

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