Friday, September 12, 2014

"Secret Identity" character designs

Character designs for Donovan and Royce, from Secret Identity. For these, the author gave me actors to reference for them, Steve McQueen and James Dean, respectively. I went with pretty basic "thug" outfits for their regular attire, but of course, then we have their "superhero" personas.

Designing Batman and Robin based outfits was fun and it was a challenge incorporating their birds (a raven and a blackbird) into their outfit while still keeping them colorful. At one point, the script mentions the outfits don't necessary fit Donovan and Royce, hence Donovan's slight belly there.

Designs by Fil Romero
Concept/Creation by Bobby Mort

"Super Complicated" character designs

I forgot to post this after I posted the comic back in April (?), so here they are, however long after the fact they may be. For Super Complicated, I only did very quick concepts for the four characters that appear and speak. The top image is just quick brainstorming, which got refined in the full body sketches below. The third image of course, are just some color keys I did up for all four of them.

Designs are by Fil Romero (me)
Concept/Creation by Bobby Mort

"Secret Identity" comic

"Secret Identity"
Concept/Story by Bobby Mort
Art by Fil Romero

Another comic commission by Bobby Mort. I really enjoy these short comic commissions. They really challenge me and this much more so, as he wanted a style that was more like western comics. It was hard for me to make a full on jump though, so my usual style's still there. I'll be posting the main character designs for this up soon, as well for the last comic, as I realized I forgot to post them back when I said I would, haha.